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An ever-growing catalog of never-before-seen John Perkins instructional material shot over the last 5 years at our Elmsford NY classes and seminars. Brand new videos added monthly.
Short intro to Guided Chaos and the Attackproof Companion* Video Series Parts 1-3
*"Companion" to our best-selling book
[Note: Guided Chaos was originally called "Ki Chuan Do" (The Way of the Spirit Fist) using the Guided Chaos Principles made by John Perkins before we officially changed the name of the art to Guided Chaos--a completely American name for a made-in-the-USA system created in Yonkers, New York in 1978.]
Contact Flow Clips from Attackproof Companion Series Part 3
"Contact Flow is an exercise that incorporates all the energy principles of Guided Chaos in a completely free-form, unchoreographed and spontaneous fashion, which allows you to try every variation and possibility of human motion."
Contact Flow Clip 3
[Note: Guided Chaos was originally called "Ki Chuan Do" (The Way of the Spirit Fist) using the Guided Chaos Principles made by John Perkins before we officially changed the name of the art to Guided Chaos--a completely American name for a made-in-the-USA system created in Yonkers, New York in 1978.]
Elevator Attack
How do GC principles apply in a dangerous, confined space like an elevator? Check out this vid shot in our custom-made "Hellavator" training environment.
Guided Chaos Ground Fighting Clip #1
"If you're falling, try to get to the ground first..."
Grappling vs. Guided Chaos
GC Ground Fighting: Neck-braking, eye-gouging, vs 2 grappling attackers.
Grappling Against a Knife Is Suicide. Unless...
"This is what happens when you use grappling against a knife in an elevator..."
2 Attackers...In an Elevator
[Note: Guided Chaos was originally called "Ki Chuan Do" (The Way of the Spirit Fist) using the Guided Chaos Principles made by John Perkins before we officially changed the name of the art to Guided Chaos--a completely American name for a made-in-the-USA system created in Yonkers, New York in 1978.]
GC Ground Fighting vs. Multiple Attacker Drill
Drill for when you inadvertently wind up on the ground vs. multiple attackers. From Police and Military Combat Tactics DVD. Former NY cop and forensic homicide investigator John Perkins' free-form adaptive art of Guided Chaos. Used by NYC cops, Vale Tudo champ and U.S. Marines Lt. Col. unarmed combat instructor in Iraq.
2017 Combative Movement Immersion Seminar DVD Open
Broad spectrum of drills covering many aspects of GC. CMI seminars are given across the U.S.
GC Ground Fighting DVD Excerpt
Guided Chaos Modified Native American Ground Fighting DVD excerpt. Focusing on mobility, elusiveness and punishing kicks, it has no relation to sportive grappling. In a real fight the last thing you want is to be locked to a bigger, stronger assailant while his buddies kick your brains in.
Contact Flow at Various Speeds and Levels
John Perkins demonstrating free-from, un-choreographed, "Contact Flow" sparring drill using principles vaguely similar to Tai Chi push hands or Wing Chun Chi Sao but with World War II CQC striking and other methods. Perkins begins with students at half speed; he uses a skill level slightly below or equal to the student's, then goes to 3/4 speed and higher skill level to dominate them. Training is completely uncooperative, formless, and with partners trying to hit and not be hit.
24) GC Combat Boxing DVD Excerpt (Open)
Guided Chaos' Combat Boxing instructional self-defense DVD. How to fight to save your life from a no-holds-barred "dirty boxing" perspective, using World War II Close Quarters Combat and internal energy principles. 3 1/2 hours long with tremendously detailed instruction on ricocheting energy, destructions, bag, handweight and sledgehammer drills, timing, footwork, range, grappling disruption and comprehensive step-by-step contact flow applications.
25) GC Combat Boxing DVD Excerpt (End)
Guided Chaos' Combat Boxing instructional self-defense DVD. How to fight to save your life from a no-holds-barred "dirty boxing" perspective, using World War II Close Quarters Combat and internal energy principles. 3 1/2 hours long with tremendously detailed instruction on ricocheting energy, destructions, bag, handweight and sledgehammer drills, timing, footwork, range, grappling disruption and comprehensive step-by-step contact flow applications.
23) Adaptive Defense: Why Lethal Striking Alone is Not Enough to Save Your Life)
• It doesn't matter HOW many lethal targets you know--no one is going to just LET you hit them.
• What's to stop a determined attacker from hitting yours first?
To see some of the drills spoken of here, go to vid clip #16 (Intro to Guided Chaos Combat Conditioning).
• The key to becoming Adaptive is combining internal sensitivity principles from authentic internal arts (tai chi, bagua, etc) with hard core Combatives. Guided Chaos is the fastest way to learn this.
22) Self-defense Aboard Airliners
Hand to hand combat and improvised weapons to prevent a hijacking. Originally broadcast on WNBC News New York Channel 4 with Chuck Scarborough.
14) Locking only doesn't work: from Companion DVD Part 1
Locking exposes police officers (who have to be PC about arrest) and civilians to real danger. Police have strict regulations to follow. Civilians defending their lives can use whatever is reasonable to survive. Make sure though you have a defense attorney on speed dial.
15) Multiple Assault Options
Locking exposes police officers (who have to be PC about arrest) and civilians to real danger. Police have strict regulations to follow. Civilians defending their lives can use whatever is reasonable to survive. Make sure though you have a defense attorney on speed dial.
12) Stick vs. Knife Self-defense
Excerpt from the Guided Chaos Modified Native American Ground Fighting DVD. Focusing on mobility, elusiveness and punishing kicks, it has no relation to sportive grappling. In a real fight the last thing you want is to be locked to a bigger, stronger assailant while his buddies kick your brains in. It also provides a devastating alternative to traditional knife defense using both crushing kicks and a stick/cane.
GC Intro/Interview with GM Perkins and Spice Williams
From our Los Angeles seminar at The House of Champions. Film star and resident martial artist Spice Williams Crosby interviews John about what sets GC apart from traditional, choreographed, "dojo" training in order to "Fight for Your Life" effectively.
Women's Self-defense
If what you know require's an Olympian's body or even just being a large male to work than you should look elsewhere. GC is probably the best form of self-defense training for women.